A day with Boo would not be complete without a moment of drama. She went from "0" to "queen" in a millisecond. I know, not a big surprise to those of us who know her well. What's not to love?
Now I know we all feel very sorry for this poor little boy who was so fortunate as to be locked in a spinning bear with our little red head.
Hang on Boo......we are about to lift off.
Shhhh....he'll never know if I take two....or three.....or four! Poor kid, he has no idea what he has just turned his back on....just a tip.... "never turn you back on a little red head on a mission"!!!
The girls got to visit Grandma Cathy's school on Columbus Day. They had so much fun and didn't want to leave. Funny, I don't have that same problem with them at home.
Here are a few photos from the farm. Grandpa Bernine combining, Chad and the Girls "catching on the go" and a snapshot of the farm. Chad keeps telling us how good the yields are and the banker in me keeps saying....SELL....SELL.....SELL......the markets are dropping!!!